Cynthia Viola Photography

Family Portraits

Burly and Puff in Downtown Raleigh

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep, really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
— Ernest Hemingway
Burly and Puff Photo Shoot

I fell in love with Safy and Randy the moment I started following them on Instagram. They are exactly what I look for in couples (and people in general). Full of life, willing to play, big adventurers; they don't take themselves too seriously and they adore each other! What more could you ask for?

These two have a genuine love of trying new things and traveling to new places, something I found out actually erupted out of their relationship; they brought it out of each other. After Randy gave her an adorable pet name of Puff, she wanted one for him as well, dubbing him Burly and the hashtag that followed sort of caught them by surprise. Everyone loved it (how could you not, omg, it's the more adorable description ever), and a blog was born. They both love their day jobs but spend all their extra time exploring the world, falling more deeply in love and living life to the fullest. You're just gonna love them. Here's a few of my favorite images from our adventures downtown!

Burly and Puff Photo Shoot
Burly and Puff Photo Shoot
Burly and Puff Photo Shoot
Burly and Puff Photo Shoot
Burly and Puff Photo Shoot
Burly and Puff Photo Shoot

Photo Session Fears

Family Portraits, PersonalCynthia Viola
When the future is too terrifying to contemplate and the past two painful to remember learn to pay attention to right now
— Julia Cameron
Raleigh Portrait Photograhy

When thinking about a photo session, what is your biggest fear? 

I often have people say, "I'd love to update our family portraits but... 

Our smiles always seem fake...

I never know how to pose, my hands always fall weird or my shirt bulges and I look huge...

I'm afraid my kids will be crazy and we won't get any good photos making it a waste of money...

I don't want my spouse/kids to have a bad time and hate me for it...

What are we supposed to wear...

Is is really worth the cost? We take iPhone photos all the time..."

Believe me when I say I hear you. 

I'm more than a little ashamed to admit we haven't had a photo session that we didn't shoot ourselves (or with the help from a friend using our camera) since our WEDDING. That's ELEVEN YEARS without professional portraits! And I call myself a photographer. *rolls eyes*

I'm not sure what it is for me. Control maybe? I want to be able to control the outcome. I feel like my smile is weird due to a jaw surgery years ago and it makes me embarrassed to really be myself in front of the camera.

Raleigh Family Photography

I've got smiles for daaaaaays when I'm just living life and finding joy in all the moments...but if I see another camera in the room, I freeze. I become uber aware of how I'm standing, I can't take my eyes off the one with the camera, I'm constantly fidgeting trying to make sure all hairs are in place and I can't enjoy myself until I know they're done. What the heck? 

Given my profession, my fear seems totally irrational. How can I ask others to be themselves in front of my camera if I'm unwilling to do the same in front of someone else's? 

So, that's where I'm at. What about you? I'd love to help you overcome your fears and I promise I'll face my own as well. I'm hoping this year even?? A.J. and I have made it a goal to do just that. Now who to choose?? We know SOOO many great photographers! Wish me luck and feel free to send suggestions!

Let me know what holds you back and we'll see if I can help. 

Trusty Tripod. (I know the neighbors must think we're crazy)

Trusty Tripod. (I know the neighbors must think we're crazy)

Six Month Old Hazel Grace at Pullen Park

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Just in case you ever foolishly forget; I’m never not thinking of you
— Virginia Woolf
Family Photos at Pullen Park Raleigh

Oh my goodness! I can't believe little Hazel is already six months old! Just last week I was capturing her momma's beautiful belly and yesterday her hospital session! What happened? She is SO beautiful and her little smile just lights up her daddy and momma's faces. I love it. 

Eric and Amber moved to the top of my favorites list when they pulled into our first session driving my dream car.  Yesterday was equally amazing. We talked stats and and painted a very exciting race car driver future (or mechanical engineer of course) for little Hazel. She even already loves her little Minnie Mouse Race Car. SO fun. 

Amber is of course vibrant as ever, they both can't seem to get over the grandness of being parents and said they couldn't really put it into words but it's been the best adventure yet. 

Pullen Park was perfect of course. Cherry blossoms over the lake never disappoint, I'm just blown away that less than 24 hours later they're now all covered in snow! Gotta love North Carolina! Hope you enjoy a few of these favorites!

Family Photos at Pullen Park Raleigh

Brittany and Chonly at the NC Museum of Art

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Love isn’t losing yourself. Love is finding who you are in the arms of another person
— Marisa Donnelly
lesbian engagement photos

I have been blessed to work with so many of Brittany and Chonly's friends over the past couple years but I've not had the chance to work with them! They are quite the couple! They actually only met last year but have been head over heels for each other ever since and you can totally feel their excitement too. We had so much fun exploring the back side of the NC Museum of Art in the gorgeous, glowy sunset light. We *might* have been in a few places we weren't supposed to be, but it was totally worth it. :)

I found out early on that Chonly is studying psychology which, by the way, is my FAVORITE topic, I immediately went on a tangent about Myers Briggs and found out she and I are complete opposites, but that's actually really fun because two of my best friends are my opposite, which means we'll be bffs before you know it. Britt is working toward the healthcare field, focused on pediatrics and I know they'll both make such an impact on the world as they move toward their goals together. 

The NC Museum of Art is always one of my favorite places to shoot, and with last night's glow it was even more favorite :) I hope you enjoy these images from our adventure!

lesbian engagement photos
lesbian engagement photos

Kate and Chris at Sunset Lake

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
— Howard Thurman

You guys! I'm SO excited! We just finished filming our first video of one of our couple sessions! And by "we," I mean the incredible Damien Maass did the hard part (filming) and A.J. and I got to do what we love... play around by a waterfall making memories with our friends. It makes me so happy to be working with A.J. again!

Kate and Chris were perfect for this because I like a little adventure on my sessions and they trusted us enough to climb some rocks and risk the cold water to make sure we could get the best images. I may or may not have been in a tree at one point ;) 

The Reads have been married for five years and are just as much in love as they day they met; their genuine and carefree spirits make everyone just adore them.  I asked them to share what the love most about each other and I loved watching Chris beam when Kate whispered her affections and how Kate got all bashful when Chris whispered his, they are just the sweetest. 

We went to their house for dinner after and got to play this amazing marble game Kate's dad had as a child, their daughter Raeleigh was, of course, more than happy to show us the ropes. You just never know what you're going to learn on a Sunday evening in March. So grateful for new friendships, things to celebrate and a life filled with learning and adventure. Hope you guys enjoy some of these favorites from the day!

portraits at sunset lake
portraits at sunset lake
portraits at sunset lake
portraits at sunset lake
portraits at sunset lake

Again, thank you so much Damien! Always love working with you!! 

If you guys need a videographer, you can find his info here

Sisters - Apex, NC

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Childhood means simplicity. Look at the world with the child’s eye - it is very beautiful.
— Kailash Satyarthi
Sister Photos

When William told me he wanted to surprise Ashley with a photo session of their girls for Valentine's Day I was so excited! I love getting to be sneaky for the purposes of bringing someone joy. William snuck the girls out of school, bought new clothes for them and changed their outfits before we went on an adventure into the woods behind their neighborhood answering all of sweet Rylan's questions along the way. 

Rylan and I became instant BFFs. She introduced me to Hank the hippo, showed me all the books in her room, her favorite shoes (flip flops), showed me how she rides her bicycle, and even gave me the little flower on her bicycle at the end of the shoot! (I gave it back to William in secret later). She asked me to move in next door so we could have sleep overs. So adorable.  

Emery on the other hand...while equally adorable... preferred to show us just how quickly she could run in the other direction and do exactly the opposite of what we wanted every time. Lol. Gotta love the independence of an 18 month old. 

Here are a few of my favorites from the afternoon, hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Sister Photos
Sister Photos

Gabriel Turns One!

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Girl, n. A giggle with glitter on it.
Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it.
— Not Your Average Dictionary
Raleigh Family of 4 photos

Oh my goodness, I've been capturing memories for these two since little Noelle was still in her momma's belly. Now Gabriel is turning one and it's hard to imagine where the time went!

We planned this shoot months ago for the NC History Museum expecting it to be freezing outside so Gabe and Noelle could marvel at the dinosaurs and we could all stay a little warmer. That ended up not being necessary though; it's almost 80 degrees outside today! I will take it, love me some spring weather in the middle of winter! We ended up hanging out on the Capitol Building's lawn so we could include some green trees and grass with Gabe's one year balloons.

I just love how these two already love each other! Sometimes kiddos don't respond well to snuggling and kisses but Noelle was more than happy to stay right by her Gabe and make sure he could walk around without falling. I hope you enjoy a few of these favorites from this morning! 

Raleigh Family of 4 photos
Raleigh Family of 4 photos
Raleigh Family of 4 photos

The West Family Expecting! Pullen Park

Family Portraits, Maternity PortraitsCynthia Viola
We do not remember days, we remember moments
— Cesare Pavese

I have never had so much fun learning the gender of a new baby! Oh my goodness this joyful bunch could not be more surprised to find out that they're about to have a new little lady to brighten their lives even further. 

When Ivy said she wanted to reveal with a big box of balloons I was so happy! I love love love how children interact with balloons so I just knew Porter and Mary Elizabeth would be delighted. 

Mary Elizabeth was convinced they were going to be blue which made the rest of us think they would be too so we were all a little surprised at first then super excited! I can't wait to meet her you guys! You all have such great personalities, I know she'll fit right in and be so so loved and protected.   

Gender reveal pullen park

The Mayhew Family at Jetton Park

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime full of adventures
— Lewis Carroll

Amid all the Christmas festivities happening this week Brentlee, John and Hamptyn were able to get away with me for a sweet family session at Jetton Park. We're all so familiar with each other at this point that we fell right into the rhythm of play, laugh, smile, chase Hamptyn around, play some more, adventure, laugh and smile again. I love it.

Hamptyn has ever been fond of finding shiny new rocks to pick up, but this adventure also included leaves - which brought some of the biggest smiles we've seen yet. It makes me so happy when things we regularly take for granted light up a child with wonder and magic. She was always also just a few steps away from blazing her own trail through the forest with her daddy right on her heels. My favorites are always the ones keen on adventure. Love this little one so much, I hope you enjoy some of my favorites from the day. :)

Family Photos at Jetton Park
Family Photos at Jetton Park
Family Photos at Jetton Park
Family Photos at Jetton Park

Baby Viola!

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder
— E.B. White
Newborn Photography St Augustine FL

It is with all the joy I have that I'm able to share this story and these precious moments with the world! The first Viola grandbaby (and our first nephew) was born this week and we are all simply over the moon in love with him!

After a mournful but beautiful trip to Florida last week for the funeral of A.J.'s beloved grandmother (and another devastated trip just 3 weeks prior due to the destruction of Hurricane Matthew on the Viola Family Restaurant) we were more than a little surprised to get the call late Sunday night that Amber's water broke two weeks early and even more surprised to find that little Anthony graced the world with his presence just a few short hours later. We rushed down and haven't been able to keep ourselves away from him since. 

We might be a little biased, but we all think he is perfect in every way, his tiny little button nose down to his adorable baby toes. He rarely cries and that's only if he's unswaddled, he even sleeps right through all the boisterous Viola jokes and gradual volume increases as everyone talks over each other in classic Italian style. 

Amber and Tony have been so great with him of course, allowing instinct to guide them in knowing how to hold him and change his clothes, what each little sound means and the perfect amount of sway needed to rock him back to sleep.

Mr. and Mrs. V (now affectionately Grandma and Grandpa V) are simply awestruck. They argue over who gets to hold him next and for how long and they just stare at his little face without blinking, unable to get over the grandness of it all. All of us plan to thoroughly spoil him and I can't wait til he's old enough to adventure with me through the woods to find buried treasures or perhaps know...just when he's ready ;) 

We're all so proud of you Tony and Amber! We'll be here right beside you the whole way if you need anything and you'll never have need of babysitters, I'm sure of it! Love you!

Flagler Hospital Newborn Photos
Flagler Hospital Newborn Photos

The Viola Boys. Does it get any cuter than this??

Flagler Hospital Newborn Photos
Flagler Hospital Newborn Photos
Flagler Hospital Newborn Photos
Flagler Hospital Newborn Photos
Flagler Hospital Newborn Photos
Flagler Hospital Newborn Photos

The Goodwin Family at Treyburn Country Club

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life
— Lisa Weedn
Family photos at Treyburn Country Club

Dennis and I met at Iron Tribe a couple months ago and became fast friends. (Something that seems to keep happening with all the people I meet there, it's such a great community) :) Dennis always has such a great attitude though and is fun to work out with; when he asked about extended family portraits I knew we'd be a great fit. 

Their new home at Treyburn Country Club was the perfect backdrop with it's gorgeous course and the beautiful forest in their backyard. I'm so glad they were finally able to move in this year after a few construction set backs. It's truly breathtaking. 

I hit it off with Taylor right away. 10 years ago she packed a couple bags and moved to Denver to see what adventure awaited her and hasn't looked back since. Definitely my kind of gal. :) She met her love there and they'll be having their first little in April. When they arrive, he or she will have the best bunch of older cousins to guide them. Chase and Patrick's crew really know how to have a good time. Of course little Carter stole the show with his super fun personality and amazing laugh. Dennis and Jeannie you have an amazing family! Hope you enjoy a few of these favorites from the day!

Family photos at Treyburn Country Club
Family photos at Treyburn Country Club
Family photos at Treyburn Country Club
Family photos at Treyburn Country Club

I must say I've never had this many adults participating in leaf tossing schnanigans, but I am a HUGE fan. I think the adults had more fun than the kids!

Family photos at Treyburn Country Club

The Jaworski Family on Beech Mountain

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
— Helen Keller
Beech Mountain Family Photos

So, I must say, hangin at the cabin with the Jaworski's was incredibly fun. From the moment I walked in it was hugs all around as if I'd known them forever. (Technically Stephanie and I went to undergrad together *gulp* TEN years ago, but I hadn't met the rest of the fam yet). I immediately felt at home though, Matt was offering me coffee from the get go and when I told him I didn't actually like coffee he went out of his way to find and make some hot chocolate and brought it out to me while I was adventuring around with Steve and Ashley's family.

THEN there was this location! I know I was 'born and raised' as they say in the Blue Ridge Mountains, but this view never gets old. There were so many great spots around the cabin and when we found a hidden teepee in the middle of the woods I knew a serious adventure was about to begin.

I loved every one of these kiddos right away. Each set of siblings and the cousins had great relationships, happy to snuggle and inviting each other to participate in the adventuring. Tyler was so sweet as he consistently followed instructions and helped each of his siblings over the rocks. I'm also pretty sure Jensen and Luke must be related to me somehow. Never without a stick or paper airplane at the ready, they were the first to jump into each next adventure, unafraid to scale the rocks and walk right into the teepee even though we said it might have bears in it. Then Jensen gave me a hug before I left and I melted. I'll telling ya, the more little people give me hugs on photo shoots, the more they grow on me.  

You guys thank you so much for letting me participate in your holiday adventure! I hope you enjoy some of these favorites from the day! 

Beech Mountain Family Photos
Beech Mountain Family Photos
Beech Mountain Family Photos

The Errato Family at Raleigh Little Theatre Rose Garden

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Raleigh Little Theatre Rose Garden Family Session

A.J. and I have a special relationship with Maureen and Nick as we were able to guide them through pre-marital counseling a few years ago when A.J. officiated their wedding. We thought they were perfect for each other then and we think they are perfect for each other now. While their lives are immensely complicated, between acting and modeling with no less than six children to love; they are never without huge smiles on their faces and words of encouragement on their lips.

I was blown away when I piled them into their first photo and it went from happy chaos to eight instant smiles. Then it happened again and again. These cute kiddos are well prepped for a future in the biz if they want it. 

Today also happened to be Maureen's birthday! I can't imagine a better birthday plan than a photoshoot, a meal together and seeing 'Fantastic Beasts.' (Therefore we chose to do exactly the same was amazing in case you were wondering) ;)

I hope you enjoy a few of these favorites from the day! 

Raleigh Little Theatre Rose Garden Family Session
Raleigh Little Theatre Rose Garden Family Session

Fall Sessions

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future
— Corrie Ten Boom

I don’t typically blog my smaller sessions because I can get the images delivered to my families faster without it, but when you have several in the same weekend it seems reasonable to me to just have a Mini-Party and blog them together! That said, here are some of my favorites:

From Saturday afternoon’s session at Historic Yate’s Mill: The Brown Family

Family Photos at Yates Mill Park

From Sunday morning’s session at Lake Crabtree: The Polin/Hescock Family

Family Photos at Lake Crabtree

And from Sunday afternoon’s session at Pullen Park: The Hutchinsom Family

Family Photos at Pullen Park

The Ritch Family in Downtown Raleigh

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint you can at it
— Danny Kaye

I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure of shooting a more creative and adventurous bunch than these three. From casual sessions in parks and back yards to a Pin Up-themed garage session to a colorful event at the NC State Fair, Courtney always keeps me on my toes with her next big idea and I’m always super excited to participate in the fun. 

This year’s theme was winter in the city. They got bundled up in these adorable peacoats and scarves and we played around with some Beatles-esque album covers and sipped hot chocolate while trying to keep our fingers from going numb. Starting at sunrise provided the perfect cold weather to make the peacoats not only comfortable, but essential for warmth. They are ready to welcome the winter season and I’m excited to show some of these fun images! 

Downtown Raleigh Family Photos
Downtown Raleigh Family Photos

The Arthur Family at Durant Nature Park

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
I sustain myself with the love of family
— Maya Angelou
Family Portraits at Durant Nature Park

I feel like I've known the Arthur's and especially Leslie for a decade. They are one of the kindest families you could ever know. Leslie spends her time at Lifepointe Church serving the community in a myriad of ways. She is never without a kind word on her lips and genuinely cares about everyone she serves. 

David tends to deal more in numbers and things I could never understand but it is always for the purpose of serving people and helping in amazing ways. 

Hannah who has always had a shy love of music (even though she is an amazing singer) has also recently discovered a love of cross country. Leslie and David fully support her of course and we're all amazed at what she's accomplished in her first year on the team. 

Their dog Tucker is just the sweetest! We were able to take portraits with him a couple years ago and he is as sweet as ever! I hope you guys enjoy a few of my favorites from the day, I had so much fun!

Family Portraits at Durant Nature Park
Family Portraits at Durant Nature Park
Family Portraits at Durant Nature Park

Carter Turns Two! Seagroves Farm Park

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Seagroves Farm Park Family Session

I don't typically write blogs for mini sessions because I can deliver the images faster without it, but I just couldn't resist, they're just so stinkin cute! Look at little Carter's shoes! 

Carter is a lover of turtles, the kind you can feed at the pond as well as Squirt from Finding Nemo...he might have been the most adorable Squirt on the planet for halloween...just sayin. He is also a lover of people and all animals. He didn't know a single stranger at the park, said hello to every person tried to hug every pup. I might have also melted when I went to give him a high five as we were leaving and he hugged me and gave me a big sloppy kiss on the cheek! The. Best. <3

Hope you guys enjoy a few of these favorites! 

Seagroves Farm Park Family Session

Sloane Turns Two! Pullen Park

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
— Angela Schwindt
Family Photos at Pullen Park

This morning started off a little crazy as I was traveling to Pullen Park for little Sloane's two year birthday photo session. Apparently the City of Oaks Marathon thought glowy sunrise light was good for race atmosphere. At every turn I was blocked until a nice police officer told me it was not possible to get to Pullen from downtown. Yikes! Fortunately A.J. came to the rescue and was able to reroute me and all was well. 

Before we had even taken our first photo though, we were welcomed by a lone goose who thought it would be fun to follow us around, this was a perfect birthday gift for Sloane who loves animals. She just talked to him and we decided he must be turning two today as well and wanted to participate in the festivities. 

I've had so much fun capturing memories for Kathryn and Thomas for the past six years, they have become part of our family and I'm excited for what the future has in store for them. Hope you enjoy a few of these favorites!  

Family Photos at Pullen Park

You gotta love a little lipstick on the cheek <3

Family Photos at Pullen Park
Pullen Park Family Photos
Pullen Park Family Photos

The Pace Family at the NC Museum of Art

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Family Photos at NC Museum of Art

This morning's brisk session at the NC Museum of Art was so fun with this sweet family of adventurers. I love it when knowing one amazing family leads you to meeting another amazing family which leads you to another... This world is just so big, it's amazing how small it can feel. 

This bunch loves to be outdoors and often explores the grounds of NCMA (three times this weekend actually!) Little Ellie even loves rock climbing already and was all too willing to climb any tree or wall or big rock we came across. I love that they encourage that in her, she's going to be so strong when she gets older. 

I hope you guys enjoy a few of my favorites from the day! 

Family Photos at NC Museum of Art
Family Photos at NC Museum of Art

Jordan and Alex Engaged! Fisher Farm Park - Davidson, NC

Engagement Portraits, Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage
— Lao Tzu
Fisher Farm Park Family Session

These two have loved each other for a very long time, though I think perhaps neither of them knew it until little Joslyn arrived brimming with laughter, whipping out crazy dance moves and belting silly songs at the top of her lungs all while donning an elegant princess dress. 

They were both doing fine on their own with and without each other, but when Joslyn wrapped her little finger around both their hearts, she tied them together in a way that can't be broken. I've never seen the three of them so happy and it gives me great joy that they'll be tying the knot next year. 

Jordan is one of the strongest and bravest women I've ever known. She has faced multiple challenges in the few years I've known her but she's made all the best decisions, conquered her fears and is setting an amazing example of what it means to be a woman to her little Joslyn. I'm so proud of you Jordan, and can't wait to see what this next adventure has in store for you. I know it'll make you even stronger. 

Fisher Farm Park Family Session
Fisher Farm Park Family Session
Fisher Farm Park Family Session
Fisher Farm Park Family Session
Fisher Farm Park Family Session
Fisher Farm Park Family Session

Curiosity and imagination at it's finest. We told her there was a butterfly inside the camera, and if she got really close she could see it...she could :)

Fisher Farm Park Family Session
Fisher Farm Park Family Session