Cynthia Viola Photography

Five Lessons from North Carolina

PersonalCynthia Viola
Nobody who ever accomplished anything big or new or worth raising a celebratory fist in the air did it from their comfort zone. They risked ridicule and failure and sometimes even death.
— Jen Sincero
Blue Ridge Mountains

Wow. It would seem that today is my last official day in this great state. It has been quite the journey. Raised in Boone, College in Banner Elk, and the past 10 years living and learning in Raleigh with a great deal of impressionable time spent in Charlotte. 

Childhood planted in me deep roots of loving people well and working hard while my time in Raleigh and Charlotte made me more knowledgeable, aware, free and untamable. I'm grateful for the powerhouse women, men and transgendered folks who have helped form my perception of the world, and grateful for the series of mistakes, triumphs, blunders and outright failures that shaped my grit, persistence and courage. 

1: In the words of the Genie from Aladdin, "Just beeeee yourself"

I would have to say my greatest life lesson in these 33 years has been first: to be myself and NEVER apologize for being such. We are all unique individuals who often start off with big dreams and huge hearts ready to take on the world and give everything we are to her. Though, somehow it's easy to lose track of that in the busyness and people-pleasing and we can lose our way. I lost and found myself multiple times over the years between college, marriage, art, forgiveness and discovering my other family as an adult. I'm sure I will continue to do so in the years to come as A.J. and I  learn to love our new St. Augustine home and family. 

Learning to fully embrace my inner ENFP and all of the beauty and complications that come with it has made a huge difference.  Apparently freedom is the most important thing in the world to me. I don’t like being confined by stereotypes or holidays or gender roles or even one job. I usually rail against anything I am "supposed to" or "expected to" do, but when you know who you are, then you know who you don't have to be. 

An ENFP is: the body of a woman, soul of a child, mind of the free and heart of the wild
— Ashley Lemaine

2: Kindness wins every time

To this day I still get notes and comments from people that I knew only once or for a season in high school who say that my kindness helped them through a tough time. In most cases I don't even remember what they're talking about. This has to come from my father. Always a servant, never asking for anything, always going above and beyond to make sure people are taken care of. He provided the best possible example.

There's no need to get heated at someone who cuts you off in traffic, it'll only ruin your day, not theirs. Allowing someone to go first in the grocery line will only hold you back by 1-2 minutes but it will drastically improve the rest of their day. Holding open doors, putting karts back in the parking lot, picking up trash that isn't yours, and just offering a smile to a stranger are all acts that have a ripple effect. Occasionally people at A.J.'s coffee bar would pre-purchase coffee for the next person, and it never ended there; five to ten customers later people would still be buying for the next person. Kindness always ripples, use it well and often. 

3: Adaptability is the best stress-relief

I have never met a group of people more chaotic than my new Charlotte family. There is literally no point whatsoever in having a plan for your day if it involves them, because it will absolutely change at least 17 times, and always at the last second. I've always been naturally adaptable (that's the P in ENFP), but never so much as I am now. They have taught me that as long as we are together and no one is getting hurt, the other details are irrelevant. Stressing out over a change in dinner plans will only ruin your night, it's much easier to just go with it and enjoy the ride. 

4: Love every single person you meet

This began with growing up an only child, alone and lonely, desperate for friends or neighbors or even adults to keep me company. In school I was always drawn to outcasts, and in the years I directed and organized community service projects for a church, I met an endless supply of folks who were without a home, refugees unable to speak english, children who couldn't read, mothers who didn't know what to do with unwanted children, convicted pedophiles who couldn't get a job, and my best friend: a man wrongly convicted of a crime (I believe due to his sexual orientation) with an unspeakable life sentence. 

The stories of heartbreak and love, failure and triumph, racism and violence followed by heart change and forgiveness have opened me up to an understanding that we are all the same. We are all messy and beautiful. All capable of inconceivable hate AND fierce love simultaneously. At different times we all make mistakes, say things we regret, take the easy way out, look the other way and judge someone based on their appearance. Just because we're not doing those things right now, doesn't mean that we haven't before or won't tomorrow and it definitely doesn't mean we have a right to judge someone else's story. 

5: The LGBTQ community has become my greatest passion and ally.

I must apologize here first. For over 20 years I allowed the village of well intended teachers, family, books, friends, co-workers and preachers to form my beliefs completely about this community without question. I've always been one to easily believe anything I hear until an opposing viewpoint is introduced. I didn't hear an opposing viewpoint about this beautiful community from someone I respect until a few years into Raleigh. This is quite possibly the greatest community of individuals I have ever known. Brave, kind, patient, forgiving, resilient...everything I want to be and more.

I am humiliated when I look back at the feelings I had toward this community early on, the things I would say "on God's behalf" regarding their eternity. To go through life without questioning anything you are taught is a very dangerous road, and it's a mistake I don't intend to make again. With grace and patience they have loved me anyway and I couldn't be more grateful for my own heart change.  

It is in honor of all these beautiful human beings, especially Christopher, who have reshaped me in the past few years that I am happy to announce, I will be giving away one free couple or family session to the LGBTQ community every month in 2018. This can also include $500 off of any wedding package. I know $6,000 is not much in the grand scheme of things, but I want the world to begin seeing this community for who they really are: fiercely loving, loyal, generous and compassionate. You can find the details and technicalities of the giveaways at the bottom of the post. 

Raleigh, North Carolina

I have written and rewritten this blog wondering who I am going to offend and how it’s going to affect different relationships... then I realized that goes against lesson number one: just be yourself and don’t apologize. Thank you North Carolina friends and family for shaping me into who I am today. Thank you for enduring my growing pains and for loving me as I am. You will be my home forever. 

“Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep, really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.”
— Ernest Hemingway

Giveaway Details:

One free couple or family session per month in 2018 for the LGBTQia+ Community. This can include $500 off of a wedding. 

To enter, tag your partner on this blog or on my original Facebook/Instagram/Twitter Post. (not a shared version, because I might not see it) 

I will draw the first 3 couples/families Jan 1st, and again quarterly throughout the year.

You will need to be able to come to St. Augustine, FL or Raleigh, NC at the same time I am.

Good luck!

Alaria + Drew | 1st Anniversary

Anniversary PortraitsCynthia Viola
As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen!
— Winnie the Pooh
Downtown Raleigh Anniversary

After my very first meeting with Alaria and Drew before their wedding she said I was like her spirit animal...and I'd have to say that definitely works both ways! She is so fun to be around and Drew definitely completes her! I absolutely love working with adventurous couples, willing to try new things and who are free to be themselves while we wander around. 

These high school sweethearts had no problem sharing with each other their favorite memories and talking about the struggle of living as a military family constantly separated. Drew will be heading to Korea early next year and they both felt the weight of that. We were so glad to get in these photos before hand so they can still have the memories while they're apart. 

Downtown Raleigh Anniversary
Downtown Raleigh Anniversary
Downtown Raleigh Anniversary
Downtown Raleigh Anniversary
Downtown Raleigh Anniversary

I was so excited to get some extra time with you guys before we're all worlds apart! Thanks for spending the afternoon with me!

The Wilson Family at Home

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment
— Carlos Santana
Cary, NC family photography

I'm pretty sure you've never met someone with a bigger smile than George... aka Mike. I remember doing box jumps at Iron Tribe a couple months ago and he tripped, somehow gashing his arm open (to the point of stitches) and he just kept on smiling and tried to keep jumping (though the coaches promptly stopped him to prevent further injury). 

Then after he got the stitches, he still kept smiling, and kept coming back to the gym as if nothing had ever happened. I was so impressed. It was no surprise to me that photographing his family was a breeze. The whole family was just so happy and willing to do any of the crazy things I suggested, sure to include little Max along the way. 

Of course Blake and Austin were all too willing to pick on each other and their home and neighborhood served as a perfect backdrop for their portraits. Hope you enjoy a few of these favorites from the day!

Cary, NC family portraits
Cary, NC family portraits
Cary, NC family portraits
Cary, NC family portraits
Cary, NC family portraits

Anthony's First Birthday!

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
— Omar Khayyam
one year old

This week our nephew turns one! Oh my goodness! I cannot believe an entire year has gone by nor that we live down here now and get to participate in these (almost weekly) family parties and gatherings. It seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital welcoming him into this big world.

Amber and Tony decided to do a Lumberjack themed birthday party for the little guy so everyone wore flannel to participate. They had fun themed food, cornhole and of course a bonfire with s'mores! (My favorite). 

Family of 3
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party

Anthony wasn't so sure about the cake at first. Not having tried anything so sweet prior, he probably thought it was a dream. He also wasn't sure about eating with his hands, preferring his utensils, but he was more than willing to share with anyone who wanted a bite. :)

Lumberjack Themed Cake Smash

We had so much fun celebrating with everyone. We're so excited to watch you grow up little guy! Can't wait to take you on some serious adventures in the coming years!

Lumberjack Themed Cake Smash

Stoner Family Session at Lake Norman

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future
— Earl Nightingale
Lake Norman Family Photographer

These cutie pies always know how to have a good time! From roaring like a lion, pretending to be superman, and showering mommy in kisses to seeing how many times they can roll down the hill before they get sick; I always love hanging out with Charlie and Finn! As soon as I got to their house Charlie immediately grabbed my hand and started walking me toward his art gallery so he could tell me about every single one, and Finn talked about all the things he loves in the color red. (especially my car...2 points) :)

Chrissy always manages to find a new location for us to shoot and this time we were both blown away with the gorgeous grasses surrounding the lake at their golf club. That mixed with the gorgeous golden sunset made last night a dream. 

Forever grateful for my ever expanding family so many opportunities to spend time with them. 

Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer

Yates Mill Family Session with Jenn, Nick and Roman

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.
— L. Drachman
Yates mill park family photos

The moment I met Roman, I knew today's session was going to be an adventure! I asked him what his favorite thing about being six was and he said "wearing bigger shoes." Watch out world, this little man is looking to fill some shoes, and I've no doubt he'll accomplish all his dreams. 

Yates mill park family photos

I had him climb the fence for this photo and figured he'd enjoy jumping off so I encouraged him too. Without hesitation he climbed even higher to the very top THEN jumped! When I had him jump for the family walk he did a backflip, surprising all of us! He hurt himself a little on that one but his sweet momma knew exactly what he needed at every turn. I was blown away when she had him raise his arms a few times to make sure he wasn't injured then when he had his hands up started singing "YMCA" causing immediate giggles, and of course, then he was fine. It's so much fun watching families interact and be themselves. 

I had so much fun with you guys today Jenn and Nick! Thanks for being adventurous and willing to climb rocks and steep banks and just let loose! Hope you enjoy these images!

Yates mill park family photos
Yates mill park family photos
Yates mill park family photos
Yates mill park family photos

Jenelle and Billy Trash the Dress at Vilano Beach

Wedding PhotographyCynthia Viola
You don’t have time to be timid. You must be bold and daring!
— Lumière, Beauty and the Beast
Beach Trash the dress

Oh my goodness! Where in the world do I begin! There simply was not a better way for Jenelle and Billy to top off their fairy tale wedding than a trip to Disney and an EPIC trash the dress session on their way home!  

I seriously cannot express how much I adore these sessions. I wish I was clever enough to come up with a different title for it because it frequently scares people away, but they are THE MOST FUN SESSIONS EVER! Maybe that's what I'll call it from now on. :)

Beach Trash the dress

You cannot look at the smiles on their faces and think it was boring in any way. We all were laughing til our sides were hurting! One of my favorite moments was when I was taking a shot of Jenelle with my back to the ocean and apparently a giant wave was about to take out all our stuff and Billy dived to "save the photographer's stuff" and neglected his own shoes (which were holding his phone). We had to give him a hard time because I had all the important stuff in my backpack, he just saved my step stool and towel. Totally heroic effort though Billy! Love you!

Beach Trash the dress

The schnanigans were in full swing as we didn't have to worry about their clothes (or mine), we basically just had to keep the camera out of the water. These two ran, danced, jumped and played their way down the coast line as we chased the sunset.

This might be my favorite set of outtakes ever... I'll let you decide who started it and who won ;) 

Beach Trash the dress

(The answer is BOTH of them. Both started it, and both won. They are the perfect match through and through). 

Now for the romance...

Beach Trash the dress
Beach Trash the dress
Beach Trash the dress
Beach Trash the dress
Beach Trash the dress
Beach Trash the dress
Beach Trash the dress
Beach Trash the dress

Jenelle and Billy you two are ROCKSTARS! Thank you so much for coming to Viola's for lunch with us and just being SO freaking fun! If California keeps acquiring our favorite people, a move may be in store...just sayin... Congratulations on the rest of forever! 

The Farr Family in Banner Elk

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Where there is love there is life
— Ghandi
Extended family photos in the mountains

I must say I am loving this new family tradition. Last year Stephanie told me her side of the family was renting a cabin in the mountains for the holidays and wanted some extended family photos. We all had so much fun on top of Beech Mountain as we adventured through the woods around the cabin, they decided they wanted to do it again this year. Except this time, with Matt's side of the family!

Leslie managed to find the cabin at the very top of the tallest peak in Banner Elk; the road to get there was an adventure in itself! It's crazy to me that I grew up and lived in the mountains for 23 years and never discovered either of the hidden roads they found for these adventures. The mountains are just full of surprises!

Little Milo was *slightly attached to mom and dad all morning, but everyone jumped in and did their best to bring distractions and treats and snuggles. That's what family is all about after all, helping each other out when we're struggling. I had so much fun with you guys! I hope you enjoy these memories from the day!

Extended family photos in the mountains
Extended family photos in the mountains
Extended family photos in the mountains

I'm pretty sure Captain wins the "best dog of the year" award, so well behaved and not to mention extra soft and fluffy! 

Extended family photos in the mountains
Extended family photos in the mountains

Goldsboro Homestead Family Session

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.
— Mark twain
LGBTQ family session

Oh my goodness, I can not tell you how much fun I had with these two and their little Cruz this week! They are here from California visiting family and we just had to squeeze in a family session while they were. Jen wanted to use her childhood home in Goldsboro as the backdrop and capture a few memories with Cruz and her beautiful momma. 

I absolutely love it when families are willing to be adventurous with me. We were climbing through thorn bushes and laying down 2x6s to cross creeks and learning about soybean crops all along the shoot. Jen and Erin were all smiles and giggles the whole time and we absolutely had a blast!

We could not get over how gorgeous it was in Goldsboro this time of year. The November air was cool and crisp yet the sun provided that incredible glow through the changing trees. I hope you enjoy a few of these images from our session! 

LGBTQ family session
LGBTQ family session
LGBTQ family session
LGBTQ family session
LGBTQ family session
LGBTQ family session

Treyburn Country Club Family Session | The Goodwins

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
— Lao Tzu
Extended Family Photos

Seeing the transformation of this bunch from last years' Christmas Portraits to this year was amazing. Taylor and Jake had their new little baby Desmond and he is absolutely perfect! Harlan and Miles have joined the rowing team and are doing awesome, and Dennis walked across Spain on the Camino! I loved so much following his trip online and then hearing about it more in person. I love his thoughts on the trip:

"My suggestion after this experience, no matter what you do, do something in your life you don't think you can do. Push yourself. Get out of your comfort zone, live life to the fullest. Don't be afraid to live. You will not be sorry. It will not be easy, but it will be something that you will treasure, and something that you will be incredibly proud of yourself for doing."

Love that so much, and I couldn't agree more! When A.J. and I biked to the coast and back we were exhausted but exhilarated. Can't wait to have another adventure asap and hope with everything I am that we will always have epic adventures just like Dennis! Love you guys! Hope you enjoy a few of these images from the shoot! 

Extended Family Photos
Extended Family Photos
Extended Family Photos
Extended Family Photos
Extended Family Photos
Extended Family Photos
Extended Family Photos
Extended Family Photos

The Painter Family - Home Session

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
— Audrey Hepburn
Charlotte Lifestyle Session

These beautiful ones have been dancing in front of my lens for several years now, it's been so amazing watching their little family grow. If Dylan is not just the cutest little thing with her bright smile and bouncy ponytail, I don't know who is. 

Courtney wanted to do a home session this round and I thought that was an awesome idea as they have just moved to Charlotte and bought such a beautiful and well lit home new home! Just like their home in Raleigh, it felt so comfortable when I walked in and it was the perfect setting for a morning filled with giggles.

Backyard Family Photos
Backyard Family Photos

Even though the whole neighborhood is under construction right now, we were able to sneak in some backyard and streetside photos as well. Little Dylan loves to ride her scooter up and down the street. 

Backyard Family Photos
Backyard Family Photos
Backyard Family Photos
Backyard Family Photos

Grandma was visiting, so of course we couldn't resist a few snuggles. 

Home session

Dylan absolutely looooooves her piano and insisted on showing me what she's learned so far! We had so much fun!

Rose Garden Family Portraits | Rafidi Family

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
We do not remember days, we remember moments
— Cesare Pavese
family of 4 at the raleigh rose garden

Engagement, wedding, maternity, and now two kiddos and 5 years later these two are still deeply in love and crazy about their incredible girls. We had plenty of time to catch up as little Grace led us around The Raleigh Rose Garden seeking the best rose and the coolest hiding places.

Johnny said his favorite thing about two girls is that they really love each other. Next, Hannah asked Grace who her best friend was and without hesitation she said Zoe. Apparently they love to fall asleep next to each other and wake up giggling. I love that SO much! Siblings are the very best!

The garden was of course, still beautiful, with or without the fall sunshine, still vibrant and filled with flowers! I hope you guys enjoy a few of these images from this afternoon!

1 year old
3 year old exploring
family of 4 at the raleigh rose garden

Ward Family at Home

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.
— Maya Angelou
Backyard Family Portraits

Oh my goodness these cutie pies are SO much fun to photograph! Always with huge smiles on their faces and words of encouragement and kindness on their lips. It's hard to believe we've been friends for so many years now. I absolutely LOVE these two little ones and Emi's expressions on this shoot are to die for! 

Backyard Family Portraits

When Kathryn told me little Emi was catching a cold we debated postponing the shoot but she suggested using their backyard instead of a park in case we needed to take her in real quick and of course it worked like a charm! They have a super cute little neighborhood so we were able to include the kiddos AND Gnarles their incredible pup...who is a pretty big fan of kisses ;) 

Backyard Family Portraits

Sloane, as always, was a gem, and more than willing to accept all of Gnarles' kisses! 

Backyard Family Portraits
Backyard Family Portraits
Backyard Family Portraits
Backyard Family Portraits

Pullen Park Family Photo Session | Veraolivero Family

Family Portraits, Senior PortraitsCynthia Viola
Not everyone is meant to make a difference. But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option.
— Peter Parker

Considering Alex sported a Spider Man graphic tee at the end of the session, I figured a Peter Parker quote would be acceptable. ;) 

Senior Session at Pullen Park

I had a blast with these guys last night! Alex is graduating this year so this was technically a senior session, but it's so much better when the whole family is involved! Having Joey tease him in the background and asking him questions about crushes and his future brought out his natural modeling skills. Then Joey stepped in showing they were BOTH naturals! Love it! 

Elizabeth and Roscari were no different, everyone came prepared to have a great time and there was plenty of joy to go around. The weather at Pullen Park was amazing allowing us to walk all over the park, and Elizabeth was the hero of the day walking the entire park and climbing hills and train tracks in her heels! She kept skewering a few leaves which always made the boys laugh, we had so much fun! Here's a few images from the day!

lgbtq family photos
Pullen Park Senior Session
Pullen Park Senior Session
Senior portraits pullen park
lgbtq family photos
Pullen park senior session
Pullen Park Senior Session
lgbtq family photos

Mommy and Me Session | Jessica and Eden

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime full of adventures
— Lewis Carroll
Fall at Lake Johnson

When Jessica told me she wasn't interested in any posed photos, that she just wanted someone to follow her around as she and Eden did what they always do - adventure through the world - I knew we'd be a perfect fit. 

I've been able to get to know Jess over the past few months at Iron Tribe and I love watching not only how she interacts with Eden, but how she leads by example what it means to be strong, adventurous, and confident. She treats her like an adult which I love, she talks to her calmly when she gets fussy, and she explains things carefully, never tiring of her questions and always just as excited about the 20th leave or pine cone or tree as she was the first. 

They make a great team and it was so fun watching them play at Lake Johnson. Can't wait for our camping trip next week you guys!! 

Fall at Lake Johnson Park
Fall at Lake Johnson Park
Fall at Lake Johnson Park
Fall at Lake Johnson Park
Fall at Lake Johnson Park

No tree was too high or path too overgrown for Eden, she just jumped right into it, fully expecting her momma to be right behind her... and she always was. 

Fall at Lake Johnson Park

Barclay Villa Wedding | Jenelle + Billy

Wedding PhotographyCynthia Viola
Take my hand, take a breath
Pull me close and take one step
— Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens
Barclay Villa, Angier NC

You guys! This was a fairytale wedding for the history books, complete with Princess and Castle! Billy even proposed to Jenelle in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland, CA!

When we first met, Jenelle shared some stories about their relationship and how she really loves all things Disney. She said she used to keep the High School Musical Soundtrack in her car and whenever Billy would drive it, he would cue the CD to play "Can I have this Dance" for the next time she got in because it was her favorite. How sweet is that?!?! Oh my goodness what a keeper!! 

Disney Princess Themed Wedding

Also, Billy told Jenelle that the song that played in his head when he was getting up the nerve to kiss her for the first time was "Kiss the Girl" from the Little Mermaid. First of all, that a song was even playing in his head is adorable, but that it was a disney song to match her style just gives me ALLL the feels! I love that he just steps right into her fairytale and owns his role as Prince Charming! Jenelle actually surprised HIM by having the DJ play the song during the ceremony's first kiss as well! SO fun! 

 During the ceremony they did a "hand-fastening ceremony" and the mother of the bride made the intricate cord that was wrapped around their hands while they "tied the knot," she also helped put together the bouquets! Everyone was so gracious and welcoming all weekend. So many guests flew in from California and other places across the country, and all of them had stories to tell and so much love to give to Jenelle and Billy. Everyone was laughing and crying as the beautiful toasts were shared and completely in awe as they floated across the dance floor in complete Beauty and the Beast flair!

It was such an honor to be a part of your big day you guys! I loved every little detail and especially the way you interacted together! Never more than a few steps away from each other and always with a smile on your face! I hope you enjoy reliving it through the images!

Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding

Billy had a note waiting for her when she entered the bridal suite titled "To the love of my life." Such a charmer!

Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Wedding Rings
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding

Barclay Villa has a beautiful balcony above the ceremony garden where the bride can present herself like a princess before coming down the aisle. You could hear everyone's breath catch as Jenelle stepped out, just like Cinderella at the ball. 

Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding

Right after she smashed cake in Billy's face, she said she'd been waiting to do that for ten years! Haha! 

Disney Princess Themed Wedding
Disney Princess Themed Wedding

They were having so much fun they *might have ran through the sparklers twice! Love it! What an incredible day you guys! And a beautiful start to your life together :)

Disney Princess Themed Wedding


The Vendors who made the day possible:

Photography: Cynthia Viola

Venue: Barclay Villa

Wedding Coordinator & Florist: In Your Dreams by Drema

Bride's Gown: David's Bridal

Groom's Attire: Men's Warehouse

Bride's Ring: Verragio

Groom's Ring: Christian Bauer

Bride's Perfume: Sephora Disney Collection "So This Is Love"

Groom's Cologne: Giorgio Armani- Acqua Di Gio

Hair & Make-up: Katie Winslow

Officiant: Tyler Koch

DJ: JD with Anything Music 

Ballroom Dancing Lessons: Fred Astaire Dance Studio

Videographer: Nathan Head

Catering: Unforgettable Food Affairs

Cake Baker: Sweet Traditions

Linen/Chair/Tent Services: CE Rental

Getaway Car: All About U Limousine Service

Invitations: Indian Wedding Cards

Charlotte Family Portraits | The Mayhews

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tree Farm family portraits

Somewhere in the middle of rural Carolina lies a magical hidden forest where chipmunks busily prepare for winter, pine needles fall gently to the ground and if you wait patiently and are pure of heart, you'll be greeted by the enchanted fairy princess. 

Ok... so maybe that's not *exactly how it went down, but I feel like I found the childhood equivalent of a speakeasy. You have to drive past it three times, whisper the secret password to the fairy sitting on the mushroom at the entrance and then be transported to a magical land.

When Brentlee said she found a gorgeous tree farm as she was scrolling through Instagram but didn't know the exact location...just somewhere in a little town off a rural road... I could just taste the adventure! I got out to the general area an hour early and just started driving slowly down all the roads, pulling over and checking out areas that looked promising until I saw a tiny hidden sign that looked like it might actually be the place. I was not disappointed. 

After hiking through the brush a few yards it opened up to this incredible dream land and I felt like skipping! (ok maybe I did a little) It was incredible and when I confirmed with them where to find my car we were off on our adventure!

 Thank you so much guys for suggesting this and being willing to hike a little to make it happen!

Tree Farm family portraits
Tree Farm family portraits
Tree Farm family portraits
Tree Farm family portraits
Tree Farm family portraits
Tree Farm family portraits
Tree Farm family portraits
Tree Farm family portraits
Tree Farm family portraits

Extended Family Session | The Coles

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass...It’s about learning to dance in the rain
— Vivian Greene
Extended Family Session, Boone NC

I'll never forget arriving to shoot Amy and Kevin's wedding several years ago with storm clouds looming on the horizon and Cathy walking up to everyone she saw, giving them a bear hug and repeating this quote.

Cathy is one of those people who arrive with such a force of joy and compassion that before you know it she has become a lifelong friend. I've worked with hundreds of families over the years and of course I love them all, but there are some that I get to spend time with across multiple weddings and other celebrations, like the Coles, and for that reason they become a part of my own extended family. 

Extended Family Session, Boone NC

This epic gathering of all the kids and grandkids (except Holly!! Miss you!) was filled with every emotion in the book. The kids live all across the country so getting them in one location at the same time is no easy feat. In fact we had precisely a 30 minute window when everyone could be there at the exact same time so we hustled to make the large group portrait happen in exactly that time frame while playing with the rest of the portraits before and after.

Tears of joy were in full swing as everyone hugged and made jokes, drank bourbon hot chocolates, roasted marshmallows and chased around the kiddos. There were other tears as well; as we thought back through all the joyful celebrations and difficult hospital stays, tears of gratefulness for a life well lived and sorrow for a hopeful yet uncertain future. It's situations like this that have me just bawling behind this computer screen as I type. I love these guys so much and it's so hard to watch them in pain. Fortunately they all have a grand view of the world so the positivity abounded. 

Cathy and Dayton's relationship is one for the history books...they have provided such an incredible legacy for their children. One overflowing with love, acceptance, determination and unadulterated joy. I am so grateful for every moment I get to spend with them and overwhelmed with the incredible gift the artist's life affords: to be able to be so close to so many families and feel my heart explode with love as they welcome me with open arms into their homes over and over again. Thank you for all the hugs yesterday guys! Miss you already!

Extended Family Session, Boone NC
Extended Family Session, Boone NC

If you look close, you'll see the snow falling!

Extended Family Session, Boone NC
Extended Family Session, Boone NC
Extended Family Session, Boone NC
Extended Family Session, Boone NC
Extended Family Session, Boone NC

Adam created a low salt version of his famous almonds to accommodate Dayton's dietary needs. They were well received :)

Extended Family Session, Boone NC
Extended Family Session, Boone NC
Extended Family Session, Boone NC

Basically everyone knows by now that smore's, bourbon and cigars are like my three favorite things. That and the community that typically surrounds all three. Love that the kiddos got to participate in this joy first hand. (well, at least the marshmallow part) ;)

Extended Family Session, Boone NC
Extended Family Session, Boone NC
Extended Family Session, Boone NC

Even the littlest one made his appearance just in time for the celebration. It's so exciting watching your family continue to grow Cathy and Datyon!  

Pullen Park Anniversary Session | Caity and Al

Anniversary PortraitsCynthia Viola
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies
— Aristotle
Maternity Photos

I was SO excited to catch up with Caity and Al this morning at Pullen Park! They've had such a busy year building a new home and getting ready to welcome a new little into the world! It seems like just last week we were walking around Eno River for their engagements and yesterday downtown for their beautiful wedding. Cannot believe it's been a whole year!

There's just something about anniversary sessions though. At an engagement shoot you're nervous and excited. You're not real sure about making out in a public park, but you're head over heels for each other so you do it anyway. Then the wedding day comes and you're just as excited but there's a timeline to be mindful of and guests you haven't seen in years to greet and it all goes by so fast you barely noticed you even had a few moments to spend together. Then there's an anniversary session. 

At this point you've just spent the last year doing life together. Some things were amazing, some things went wrong and you worked though it and on the other side you have a better understanding of each other, and your love is deeper. So it's at this point behind the lens that you can just breathe each other in, savor the last incredible year and enjoy each others continued presence in your life. Thanks for a great session today guys! So excited for this next season and can't wait to come back up in January to meet little Dylan!

Anniversary Photos
Maternity Photos
Anniversary Photos
Maternity Photos
Anniversary Photos
Anniversary Photos

When you have the opportunity to really consider all you've been through, it can be overwhelming. Caity had me all teary eyed behind the lens! I just love these guys. 

Maternity Photos
Anniversary Photos
Anniversary Photos

Joyner Park Family Portraits | The Peabody's

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way.
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Family of Five

It's so fun having the opportunity to watch families grow, and cheer each other on. I had the opportunity to photograph these cuties a couple years ago and Abbey's senior portraits earlier this year. They are so supportive of each others dreams and goals. They're about to send Abbey off to college and little Hadley is preparing to perform on Who's got Talent with her impressive gymnastic and contortionist skills. They all just love each other so much, it made me so happy to capture them together. 

We could not get over how gorgeous it was this afternoon at Joyner Park, the October air was cool and crisp yet the sun provided that incredible glow through the changing trees. I hope you enjoy a few of these images from our session! 

Family of Five
Family of Five
Daddy Daughter
Family of Five
Family of Five
Family of Five